Gregory Proctor – 2018 Premed Of The Year!

Each year, there is one premedical student that stands out on PreMed STAR. This year, we congratulate Mr. Gregory Proctor as our 2018 Premed Of The Year (POTY)! 

Gregory has been an inspiration to us in many ways.  As a non-traditional premed, he is taking on the realities of life while pursuing his dream of becoming a medical doctor.  What’s most impressive about Gregory however is his constant spirit of servitude.

You all know that at the heart of PreMed STAR, our mission is to serve the students.  This year,nobody has exemplified that better than our 2018 POTY.  Without fail, Gregory has been there to answer tough questions and provide advice for his peers in the community.  From questions on the military to questions pertaining to academic success, he has contributed his opinion and made himself available for further discussion to support others. In the Spring, just prior to the start of application season, Gregory was one of our most active participants in the Application Bootcamp and Thursday Night Application Prep calls.

Doctors who possess a heart of servitude are what we need in this world.  Today, we’re proud to acknowledge Mr. Gregory Proctor as an individual on the right track to becoming one of those.

Please join us in congratulating PreMed STAR’s 2018 Premed Of The Year, Mr. Gregory Proctor!

Dr. Daniel

Wow! Congrats Greg! Well deserved. Your story is truly inspirational and your support for your peers has been amazing. Thanks for your service. Soon we will be calling you Dr. Gregory Proctor!

6 years ago

Gregory Proctor

Thank you so much, Dr. Daniel. It is a Blessing to be formally recognized for positive things that you instinctively do day to day with no expectation of anything in return.

6 years ago

Gregory Proctor

Thank you so much, Dr. Daniel. It is a Blessing to be formally recognized for positive things that you instinctively do day to day with no expectation of anything in return.

6 years ago

AQuity Solutions

Gregory, your story is very moving and inspiring. Thank you for all that you do! I know you’ll succeed in whatever you attempt.

6 years ago

AQuity Solutions

Gregory, your story is very moving and inspiring. Thank you for all that you do! I know you’ll succeed in whatever you attempt.

6 years ago

William Faulk

Congratulations Gregory. Well deserved! Keep up the amazing work!

6 years ago

James Wallace

Outstanding non-traditional medical student

6 years ago

James Wallace

Outstanding non-traditional medical student

6 years ago

James Wallace

Outstanding non-traditional medical student

6 years ago

James Wallace

Outstanding non-traditional medical student

6 years ago

Gregory Proctor

Thank you MMODAL and James!

6 years ago

Aishat Motolani

Congratulations, Gregory! Well deserve honor. Thank you for your service, and I hope to hear of your future accomplishments in medicine. Keep up the good work!!!

6 years ago

Meg Hammond

Yay! Congrats, Gregory!! Well deserved 🙂

6 years ago

Meg Hammond

Yay! Congrats, Gregory!! Well deserved 🙂

6 years ago

Meg Hammond

Yay! Congrats, Gregory!! Well deserved 🙂

6 years ago

Gregory Proctor

Thank you so much Aishat and Meg!

6 years ago

Juliette Gudknecht

Congratulations Gregory. Keep up the strong work!

6 years ago

Juliette Gudknecht

Congratulations Gregory. Keep up the strong work!

6 years ago

Milan Sheth

Congratulations Gregory. Keep up the strong work!

6 years ago

Bri’Ana Gardiner, MA

Congratulations Gregory!!! Awesome story and journey. Well deserved honor and thank you for your service. You will do great things in this field.

6 years ago