Words of Advice and Encouragement for Re-Applicants 

Words of Advice and Encouragement for Re-Applicants 

Not being accepted to medical school on your first attempt is very humbling. You go through a whole array of thoughts, feelings and emotions. Especially for those that have extensive work experience in another career you may ask yourself “should I go back?” I am currently on a 60-day on and 60-day off deployment rotation […]

Giselle’s School for Orphaned Children in Burkina Faso West Africa

Giselle’s School for Orphaned Children in Burkina Faso West Africa

I am currently deployed to West Africa. I had the opportunity and privilege to donate some much-needed items to a primary school (elementary school for American Citizens) today that services several dozens of orphaned children. The school is chartered by the national government but does not receive any funding. It totally runs off donations. The […]